Friday, January 4, 2008

the fun has begun (my first post)

Hi Guys, On New Years eve I planted the 1st of my herb gardens and on New years day the 2nd. I will call them herb gardens 1 & 2. I have chosen to do a blog on herb gardens as I love gardening. I have included some tomatoes and lettuce as these taste really great with herbs. I have stated off with a photo of the soil,tools and plants needed to create you own herb garden as it is really easy. You will need a pot, soil, gloves, herbs and water. Water and sun are really important as they help the plants to grow. With out one or the other the plants would not survive. The water comes at the end once the plants are planted. I encourage you guys to ask me questions if you like to help you with your herb gardens as I would be happy to assist.

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