Sunday, February 17, 2008

Perennial Basil chicken burgers

This recipe is a bit of a favorite as you can really taste the flavor of the Basil. You will need:
3 X large handfuls of Basil or perennial basil or both
5 garlic cloves
500 grams of chicken breast fillets (preferably organic)
olive oil
1 tomato
salt and pepper
4 bread rollsMethod: Tear off all the leaves of the perennial basil and put them in a bowl or mortar and pestle. Crush the garlic cloves and add them to the leaves. Add the salt and pepper too. Combine with the mortal and pestle until it looks like this.

Add a little olive oil to combine

Then add the chicken fillets and coat.

Cook the chicken fillets on a low heat with a little olive oil until cooked properly.
Then cut open the rolls, add the cheese, sliced tomato and a little mayo.

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